Personal Consultations

In-person, or over the phone, the best way work out the problems in a chart, look at some options for individuals...
phone.jpg Half-hour phone/personal reading
1/2 hour of phone time. We arrange time for your call, and I'll record the reading and mail you the audio CD when we're done. Phone readings tend to run a little long, so allow 45 minutes. Have a list of questions handy, if there are any pressing concerns.
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door.jpg One hour phone/personal reading
One hour consultation. I tend to look a little at where you've been, a little of who you are, and then address upcoming astrological transits to help see what the future might hold. An audio CD of the reading is mailed to you at the conclusion of the reading.
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chart.gif Year-long subscription to the scopes
One full year's access to the current scopes.
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The phone readings include recording the reading and burning that onto a CD for the client's use.