Natal/Forecast Reports

Yearly forecast is the best deal, usually includes a natal chart report to, to assist in making sense out of the planets and energies present.
chart.gif Natal Chart Report - Full Deal
Full Natal Astrology Chart, customized for you. Report runs close to 20 pages of text on my machine, you get a text file and I'll be happy to e-mail chart itself, as well. Planets, houses, angles, everything as a basic starter kit.
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chart.gif Body and Soul Chart Report
Body & Soul chart report combines Herbalism, old-fashioned astrological interpretations, and turns out a comprehensive 30 to 50 page report about the various medical & metaphysical influence in a chart.
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chart.gif Io Child Astrology Chart Report
The text for the Io Child Report was written by Gloria Starr. The report is loving and caring look at what young child will face growing up. This is an excellent addition to a baby book, or for the new parents.
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chart.gif 1 Year Forecast Report
As much as we'd all like to think the heavens stood still when we were born, the planets keep moving, and they keep having an impact on what is going on in our lives. This is one full year in detail, the big inlfuences as well as the tiny ones, all wrapped up in e-mail. It's hefty report, be prepared to wade through quite a bit of material.
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chart.gif 6-Month Forecast
6 months of detailed transits.
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chart.gif One Month Transit Report
1 month of detailed transits.
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