Relationship Reports

One of the biggest questions, will this romantic relationship work out? Unlike the book, though, this deals with all the planets, not just Sun Signs.
chart.gif Complete Synastry Report
Complete Synastry Report - what planets line up in what houses, signs, and wha angles exist between two charts. Synastry is the method of analyzing how to charts interact - or what a relationsip will be like. Will it work? This is the best way to find an answer.
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chart.gif Composite Chart Report
A Composite Chart is the result of taking two sets of birth data, finding the average between each point in the chart, then interpreting that combined chart as a synthesis of what the relationship will be like. Not an original text, but in some circles, a well-respected method of chart analysis for relationship information.
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chart.gif Short Synastry Report
It's a quick glance - or a good report when exact time of birth is missing - to look at the fundamental influences in a relationship. Synastry lines up the two charts and looks at how the two charts interact.
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